Cornerstone Press
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Trade paperback, 83 pages
ISBN 978-0-9668488-3-0
Publication Date: December 2016
List Price: $12.95
Cover design by Jessica Schampers
direct from the publisher • bookstores where this title is available • Angus & Robertson Bookworld
"A wonderful poet, and a tribute to Cornerstone Press."
—Jim Pollock, Council for Wisconsin Writers
"Kristine Ong Muslim is a fearless writer who pushes us to the edge of an abyss and asks us to jump. Meditations of a Beast is a dark, wild, ruthless collection that offers glimpses of worlds and futures beyond our own. Each poem leaves a bruise. Each verse slips right into your ear—eel-like—and never leaves. We are witnessing the rise of a truly singular voice in speculative fiction and poetry."
—Adam Morgan, Chicago Review of Books
Press and Reviews for MEDITATIONS OF A BEAST
"Kristine Ong Muslim’s book, Meditations of a Beast, is a ghostly revelation of what it means to experience disparity in human emotions. She exhibits this with her use of duality in imagery and meaning. Muslim transforms reader’s expectations by blurring the lines between a clinical and fictitious perspective."
—R.E. Steele, Jet Fuel Review
"...the thought-provoking nature of the collection is refreshing, and the reader’s curiosity is certain to be held taut from one poem to the next."
—Whitney Walters, Split Rock Review
"... such a densely-layered collection.... grounded in the routine tangible elements of life – albeit a life interspersed with a sense of horror derived from tone and unease at contextual elements."
—Michael Rush, Forage
"Her poems come from a world that is like ours, but distorted. The world of her poems is populated with ghosts and angels, living dolls and their owners, burglars and assassins. This is a world of flickering streetlights, of trash accumulating in the gutters. It is a worse place, a hard place.."
—Frances Klein, 87 Bedford
"Meditations of a Beast comes across as a socially active poetry with a covert prophetic overtone of the prophecy of doom and a disturbing lamentation for the lost innocence."
—Stevan V. Nikolic, Adelaide Magazine
- Selections from Meditations of a Beast at Arcturus
- Selections from Meditations of a Beast at JMWWBlog
- More excerpts: The Collagist, The Monarch Review, Open Letters Monthly, Wolves Magazine, The Freeman, Punchnel's, A cappella Zoo, Autumn Sky Poetry
- Chicago Review of Books: "The Best Poetry Books of 2016"
- The Pointer: "Cornerstone Press Brings International Author's Writing to Life"
- Stevens Point Journal: "Student Publishing House Launches Newest Book"
SPTV-UWSP Television interview with Jennifer Peterson, publicity manager for Cornerstone Press