Honors & Awards
"Anno Domini"
published and nominated for the Pushcart Prize by Outlook Springs
Black Arcadia (University of the Philippines Press, 2017)
finalist for Gintong Aklat 2018, Book Development Association of the Philippines
"Holocene: Microfilm Reel 82"
nominated by The Cincinnati Review for Best of the Net 2018 (Sundress Publications)
"Genesis" (published in The Collagist)
included in The Wigleaf Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions 2017 selected by Amber Sparks
"B is for Body"
published and nominated for the Pushcart Prize by Arcturus
"The Psychopomps" (published in Escape Into Life and collected in Butterfly Dream (Snuggly Books, 2016))
nominated by Escape Into Life for Best of the Net 2016 (Sundress Publications)
"Dark Clocks" (published in Rougarou and collected in A Roomful of Machines (ELJ Publications, 2015))
reprinted in Verse Daily, August 14, 2016
Age of Blight (Unnamed Press, 2016)
included in The Best Books of 2016 So Far by the Chicago Review of Books
The System of Enchantment (unpublished manuscript)
finalist for the 2016 Arsenic Lobster Poetry Prize, Misty Publications
"Window" by Mesándel Virtusio Arguelles (tr. Kristine Ong Muslim)
published and nominated for the Pushcart Prize by The Cossack Review
"The Longest Night" (published in Fiction Southeast)
Rahawa Haile’s Short Story of the Day #234, The Seattle Review of Books
nominated by Menacing Hedge for Best of the Net 2014 (Sundress Publications)
nominated by Menacing Hedge for the Pushcart Prize
"The Chinese Zodiac" (published in Lauriat: A Filipino-Chinese Speculative Fiction Anthology)
Honorable Mention, The Best Horror of the Year Volume 5
Grim Series (Popcorn Press, 2012)
nominated for the 2014 Elgin Award, Science Fiction Poetry Association
nominated for the 2013 Elgin Award, Science Fiction Poetry Association
included in the preliminary ballot for the 2012 Bram Stoker Award, Horror Writers Association
"The unborn gods stir ..." (published in Microcosms)
reprinted in the Dwarf Stars Award 2012 Anthology, Science Fiction Poetry Association
"City of the Dead" (published and nominated by Connotation Press)
included in the storySouth Million Writers Award Notable Stories of 2011
"Quarter of the Body" (published in Thieves Jargon)
included in The Wigleaf Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions 2012 selected by Dan Chaon
"The Invisible" (published in Unspoken Water)
"The Seventh Stranger" (published in Paper Crow)
Honorable Mention, The Best Horror of the Year Volume 4
"Boy with a Propeller Head" (published in Birkensnake)
mentioned in Fiction Daily, January 31, 2012
"A World Called Little Jimmy" (a chapbook manuscript)
runner-up in Drafty Attic Press' New Word Order Publishing Project
"Hunger Strike" (published in Potomac Review)
reprinted in Verse Daily, June 25, 2011
"Quarter of a Body" (published in Thieves Jargon)
mentioned in Fiction Daily, June 24, 2011
Judge (poetry category), 2011 Rising Phoenix Award
Sheepshead Review (University of Wisconsin-Green Bay)
"Case# 659: Diego Sorna, 38"
tied for 3rd Place, "A Picture Worth 500 words" contest, Tattoo Highway (California State University)
"As Long As You Burn" (published in Eschatology)
mentioned in Fiction Daily, December 12, 2010
"We Figure the Leaves"
nominated by Hobart for Best of the Web 2011 (Dzanc Books)
"A monograph, a treatise"
nominated by A River & Sound Review for Best of the Web 2011 (Dzanc Books)
"The Tree of Forgiveness"
"Conrad, in the Autopsy Room"
nominated for the 2010 Rhysling Award, Science Fiction Poetry Association
"Conrad, in the Autopsy Room"
nominated by Dreams and Nightmares for the Pushcart Prize
"The Doll Handler Tells the Truth about Them"
"Making Rounds"
nominated by Arsenic Lobster Poetry Journal for the Pushcart Prize
"Pavlov’s Best Friend" (published in Abyss & Apex)
nominated for the 2009 Rhysling Award, Science Fiction Poetry Association
"Dolls" (published in GUD Magazine)
Honorable Mention, The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1
"Death of a Soul"
nominated by The Driftwood Review for the Pushcart Prize
"A Lesser Evil"
nominated by Silenced Press for the Pushcart Prize
"Once" (published in Astropoetica)
"version 9: breakfast" (published in Prick of the Spindle)
reprinted in the Dwarf Stars Award 2008 Anthology, Science Fiction Poetry Association
"Bone Man"
nominated by Kaleidotrope for the Pushcart Prize
Honorable Mention, "A Picture Worth 500 words" contest, Tattoo Highway (California State University)
mentioned in Robert D. Denham's Poets on Paintings: A Bibliography (McFarland & Company, Inc., 2010)
"The Most Secret Rooms"
nominated for the 2008 Rhysling Award, Science Fiction Poetry Association
featured in Star*Line as an Editor's Choice poem
"Family Secrets"
"Cold Earth"
Honorable Mention, The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2007
"A Spacewalker Dreams"
2006 James Baker Award for Genre Poetry, Sam’s Dot Publishing
"The Thin Men" (published in Not One of Us)
Honorable Mention, The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2006
"Silicon Gods" (published in Jupiter SF)
Joint 3rd Place, Data Dump SF Poetry Award 2005
"Collapsing the Wavefunction"
2004 James Baker Award for Genre Poetry, Sam’s Dot Publishing